Lugar: Fridays San Pedro
Solo faltó que le dedicaran un minuto de silencio... no, no llegó a tanto..., pero sí se pidió la atención de los presentes para reconocer algo especial: "brindemos por el primer abuelo de la generación!!!!!"... FELICIDADES
También fue a la "segunda tanda" en el Bar Río y protagonizó otra de las frases célebres. Hora de salida: 3:00 am
Frase célebre:
Frase célebre:
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
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